Wednesday, October 15, 2014

A Napoleonic Age

Napoleon Bonaparte was considered to be one of the most strategic and successful military leaders and emperors to ever live. He was constantly expanding his empire all over Europe. Bonaparte had a large impact on the social economic and political systems of Europe; some bad some good. He could benefit you or completely turn your lifestyle in the opposite direction. Napoleon was a person that most were impressed by, not only for his military skills but for his amazing skill with motivational speaking. He spoke to millions of Frenchmen and at the drop of a hat convinced nearly all of them to join him in battle. Napoleon was a powerful man that made many changes to many peoples lifestyles, some having good results for everyone, but most benefiting one side of the issue. To find out more about Napoleon and his ways watch this video.
Napoleon Bonaparte, one of the Greatest Military leaders to ever live. 
The many parts to Napoleon’s take over included redesigning the political, social, and economical systems of many countries. In regards of France Napoleon impacted the political system very positively. He conquered many places, expanding Frances territory and therefore making France a larger and much more dominant country than anywhere else. Bonaparte also altered the Social order in many places. Napoleon created a meritocracy in which people would be rewarded based on their skills not their social class. In “Two Views of Napoleon” Madame de Stael sees Napoleon as forceful and intruding on the perfect order of France. This may be because she was the daughter of one of King Louis XVI’s financial advisers, giving her the most lavish lifestyle possible, so when Napoleon changes the way people would be rewarded it completely changed her way of life. In other words Madame de Stael was part of the nobility; when the social system was altered she was knocked down a few pegs, not robbed of every cent she had. In the same article “Two Views of Napoleon” one of Napoleons devoted war generals; Marshal Michel Ney praises Napoleon Bonaparte, calling him an “august emperor” and and “immortal legion”. He sees Napoleon as the future of Europe and the only person who could give the people liberty. The general also is slightly biased; being close to Napoleon he is most likely rewarded for following him and sees him in a slightly better light than most others. Still Napoleon did give people what they wanted, he changed their lives for the better. Bonaparte controlled prices, encouraged new industry and built more roads and canals. This created more jobs and options for people.
Marshal Michel Ney, one of the loyal companions that helped Napoleon get where he was.
In “The Lost Voices of Napoleonic Historians” it says “... while we recognize these defects and faults, let us be equally frank in acknowledging his great qualities, -- his untiring industry, his devotion to the public service, his enlightened views of government and legislation, his humanity." Napoleon did have faults; he overcame the continent of Europe with the terrible conditions of war, he stole precious pieces of culture to make himself more wealthy, but he always had the best interest of the people on his mind. In some parts of the article it talks about how Napoleon would have been seen as a perfect ruler if he had not took that one last step into the territory of an overpowering tyrant.

My opinion on Napoleon Bonaparte is that there were many things that he did some bad, but most benefiting the majority of the population. He may have done things that were not necessary to achieve his goal, but overall he changed the way people lived in a positive way. Bonaparte changed how social class determined everything about you; you could come from a not so well off family, and still manage to make a name for yourself if you worked hard enough. I think that when some people, particularly nobles were put off by his remodel, he still impacted their lives in a positive way as well.

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