Monday, September 8, 2014

Accurate and Precise is all you Could Ask For

This year in history we will be using a lot of online resources and websites to complete our work. Because of this it is very important that our resources are good, and that we will know how to find the right information. To do this we did some activities in class called a google a day and we also answered questions based on a website on the Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus.

Here is a link to A Google a Day.

A Google a Day is a program where you are asked a set of questions and you have to find the answers; it seems simple enough. When doing this challenge the program has blocked all pages where the answers are just given to you, so naturally this makes it a little bit harder. The key to this program is to find the words that are most relevant and important, and then to search those instead of searching the whole question. Considering that the site was blocking us from some of the information that we wanted it can be kind of frustrating. At the same time you are learning how to break down a question and find the answer logically, so I think that I really benefitted from this activity.

In the same day we also learned about online source reliability, accuracy, and authenticity. A site that demonstrated what all of these were was the Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus website. Accuracy is how true or correct something is, the website explaining the endangered Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus is not very accurate. The site tells us that the octopuses do not like the trees. This should indicate that this website is probably not accurate. Reliability is how honest or dependable something is. At the bottom of the tree octopus site it says that it should not be associated with any university or school. This should let us know that it can not be trusted and it is not reliable. Authenticity is related to accuracy it means how real or genuine a site is, the tree octopus website stated that one of the reasons why it was endangered is because of the Sasquatch with that said we can definitely conclude that this site is not any of the above. This is the website for the Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus.

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