Thursday, September 4, 2014

Who Needs Paper

Hi, my name is Hannah and I am a sophmore here at Reading Memorial High School. My history class is totally paper free this year. We will be working with all kinds of technology; in class we use all of the devices we have access to. This blog was created to be a showcase of the kinds of things we are learning about in our Honors History class. This is my first blog post to kick off the year.

Today we were asked what makes a teacher great. There are many things that make up some of the best teachers I have had. Overall though, I think that when a teacher has a previous knowledge of what is going to be hard and then focuses on that with the whole class; it helps everyone out not just myself. Also when teachers make an effort to get to know their students, and make everyone comfortable it makes the classroom feel more warm and fuzzy versus awkward and tense. I think when the teacher knows how students like to do things, it will make it easier for us to complete projects and class work. BYOD (bring your own device) is something that is in effect here at RMHS and this helps us out in doing things online and with doing things in class. Also when we get to use our phones and learn about new programs it will keep us interested at all times.

I agree with John Green about my mission as a student. I think that going to a public school where education is brought to me without my asking; I at least owe it to myself and everyone else to try my hardest to do things that will better the world. This year I am taking 2 math classes and I am very nervous to see how that is going to turn out. Needless to say one of my goals for this year references back to that situation. Therefore my academic goal for right now is to obtain at least a B+ at all times in both classes. Some other goals I might have this year are to make new friends and do well in all of my other classes not just math. To reach these goals this year I may have to study more than I have in the past.

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